Here is a little project I have been woking on in my off time. The aim was to produce a render of this vehicle in the middle of a city street. I have used Quixel Megascans, Kitbash Highways pack, Kitbash Neo Shanghai pack and a vehicle from Rust Shake. Created over a 5 day period I toyed around with various models and asset combinations, as well as experimenting with different shots which can be seen below.

Created in 3dsMax and rendered with the corona renderer, this was a joy to work on as using the active viewport render view with Corona works a charm, allowing me to do quick look development which cuts the time substantially between creating a piece and having it render ready. The post processing of the render has been completed in the Corona post process settings and a light bit of work has been applied in Photoshop. Below is the Crypto pass I used to add some changes in the black/white point of individual objects.

Experimental shots
Before achieving the final render I experimented with some other angles of the vehicle. This allowed me to see how it weighed in comparison to the other assets in the scene and thats what led me to the final outcome.